Friday, April 1, 2011

How Am I Doing?

Oh glad you asked!  Hehee... well ya didnt, but if you are reading, there's a chance you have an interest huh?  Well.... March was a rough month.  Lost someone close... well... they were close at once time.  Didnt realize how close they were until he was gone.  Had some RL drama between my car, and a big truck...  guess who won? And we just completed our first... and last... full month Theme at the store.  Yeah... Kink Month was a bit too much for me.  Dont get me wrong... I like kink as much as the next person, but after a whole month of it, I think I am kinked out.  If I see another whip, chain, harness, hood, strap, or gag...  I think I am gonna hurl.  It got so bad I renovated my basement... tore out the "dungeon" I never used anyway, and put in a wine cellar.  Go figure huh?

Still single, and I am cool with it.  Pretty sure that's what is meant for me.  With all I have going on I dont really have time for a relationship anyway.  Wish I had known that back in January, but I guess it takes time to learn the hard lessons.

But I have made some great new friends in the last month too. You all know who you are, and no... I'm not naming names here, because one... thats personal, and two... We all know I would forget someone and the drama train will pull into the station.  And I dont take that train. :)

But on top of it all are the two best friends I could ever hope for.  Each day I think "We cant be any closer."  Then the next day comes... and we are.  We are more than best friends now.  We are family.   Sisters I never had.

So... thats all for now I guess.  Here are a few pics I took here and there if you want to give them a look.

Hope you werent drinking coffee or something when you saw the last one LOL.... yeah, I just had to toss that one in.  Hey.... its SecondLife... have fun with it right?




  1. Dayum that's hot!

  2. Hey BB. Nice to see your doing great :) Your the best...kisses.

  3. Ok is that number 1 or 2? An you better have washed your hands Pinky.

  4. :) anonymous DD Likes the pics .. Is that a que /line I see outside that toilet... lol..
