Thursday, February 17, 2011

Baby it's Cold Outside... and In.

Ok folks… When I started this blog… well, when I started it the second time… I did it with the intent that it would be a place to check in on what is going on with me, the store, the bar, and just general BS that I feel like tossing up here. Yea… I know… it started off pretty sappy and soggy. But that is coming to an end today.

I have discovered that leaving my bleeding heart out on the table only invites the opportunity for it to be gutted like a rotting fish… EWW! So as of today… this moment... I am stitching it up, packing it in ice, and sticking it in the freezer.

So what does this mean? Does it mean I am going to turn into a raving bitch? LOL… no. I will still be me. I will still care just as much as I always have. I wil still help people, care about my customers, and take care of my friends. The difference is I am just not going to be so damn emotional all the time. At least that is my plan. Sounds good on paper huh?

I am not going to let people just run over me… use me as a doormat… run my life for me. It is my life to run… and I am taking it back.

So if you wanna come with me, you need to get on the bus… cause I am drivin. If not, get the fuck back up on the curb and get out of the way.

Keep your drama, your games, and your bullshit to yourself. I don’t need it, want it, or have time for it.

Wow… I think I just came!


  1. You go Girl. We are here for fun not BS! We get abused and used enough in rl, don' need it here too.
